This app seemed like a good idea. But unless you like using apps that look like Grandmas sewing room, (assuming Grandma LOVED pale color schemes of eggshell white and light gray), then this app isnt for you. Its hard to fathom how - in a world filled with color - this app prefers looking like an office from 1981 designed by someone who got their inspiration from industrial wallpaper catalogues.
But, wait! Theres even more to hate! Because, in addition to the sheer boredom of the design are the deceptive business practices of the Developer! Thats right, kiddies... The screen shots shown in The App Store give no hint of the Junior High-level profanity that permeates every single screen of this app.
Unless youre a Mom who loves talking like a drunken sailor around your children, then you wont want to be continually hiding this app, or fielding questions such as, "How come your iPad has dirty words all over it?"
Its as if this Developer is a 12 year old boy who takes such delight in using the F-Word every time an adult leaves the room. Because youll hear it again... And again.... And again... And again... (The splash screen alone has the F-Word no less than 5 times... In case you missed it the first four times.)
Its like, "Alright, kid.... We get it! You think youre really naughty. Now how about shutting your filthy pie hole so we can get some work done?"
And thats where this app fails completely: Its not really designed to help you get anything done. Instead, its a vanity project for whoever is managing to sucker people 99 cents at a time.
Dont waste your money on this worthless piece of code. The fact that its supposedly "updated for iOS 7", and yet, it looks virtually identical to the PREVIOUS drab and boring version, tells you all you need to know about how little this Developer cares about their own product.
Youd be better off setting the timer on your stove and cleaning your hall closet for 15 minutes, than plunking down a dollar for this snooze-fest of an app. Because the drabness alone might put you to sleep.
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